Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ten Random Things

A collegue mentioned there was a bonus round of describing ten random things about yourself. Missed that email but here goes:
1)Grow hellebores
2)Have been obsessed with making cement leaves for the garden (some as Xmas gifts)
3)Am distantly related to Robert E. Lee and Anne Hutchinson
4)Bonnie Raitt fan
5)Have an aritifial hip
6)Have two kids - a daughter (27) and a son (23)
7)One of my favorite places in the world is Lake Crescent on the Olympic Penninsula
8)One of the best experiences ever was visiting Van Gogh Museum
9)Spent 5 months hitchhiking through Europe
10)Have a brother who is a huge Harley Davidson fan

Monday, December 1, 2008

Library Thing

Seems like ages ago I set up a Shelfari account witht the best of intentions but never did much of anything. Thanks to the nudge from Learn & Play I have been adding recent reads and hope to go back and put in lots more from further back in time!

Podcast Directories

I used podfeed.net and found HomeWizards and saw Cindy's Pond gets installed. Not much how to but lovely inspiration if you have the $ to have a team arrive for a one day installation.

Summary of Learn & Play

What an adventure this has been! The biggest challenge has been finding the time and also giving myself permission to play with "technology". I learned an incredible amount but feel like I have just scratched the surface of what's available to discover and use. I'm hoping the 23 things will stay posted so I can go back and explore some more.

Image Generator

This particular exercise made me feel tech challenged. However I found glowtxt.com which was fun and downloaded a neat birthday greeting for a friend.

CML Wiki Sandbox

Okay I'm racing to the finish line on the day before the deadline . . . just applied for access to the CML sandbox. Anyway, what fun to read about fellow staffer's book favorites-- a perfect segue to the RA tactic that will begin in the first quarter of next year. I'm in and added a few comments to the favorite books.

Bloglines & Library Blogs

I set up a bloglines account a while ago, but I'm now trying to do more with Google reader. A favorite website that I am trying to set up as an RSS feed is Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind--great mystery reviews and publishing news.

Bloglines & Library Related Blogs